Waking up in dreamworld

Married couple John and Jen, their sons Cassy and Crystal have recently moved into a new home. One day, Crystal inexplicably falls into a coma.


After three months of treatment without result, John and Jen take Crystal back to home. After staying for years in the house, Crystal - a 10 years old young girl when she first visited magical Underland, Crytal is now a teenager with no memory of the place - except in her dreams. The mushroom is "magic" only in the context of the story.

Her life takes a turn for the unexpected scenes when, at a beautiful garden party for her fiance and herself, she spots a certain white flying feather and jump into a dark dottomless hole.

Crytal follows the White flying feather fall down to the Underland, where she has a series of marvelously imaginative adventures begins.

The King gather their armies on a chessboard-like battlefield and send Crystal and the witch to decide the battle in single combat. Alice fights the witch, as the two armies battle. Alice finally defeats the witch by beheading it. In the end, at Crystal victory, the red knights turn against their rules. As punishment for their crimes, the King banishes her sister.

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When heroes met P2
Untied in space with no food or water, Tony Unmistakable makes an impression on Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply begins to diminish. In the interim, the excess Justice fighters - Dark Widow, Commander America and Bruce Standard - should sort out a way of bringing back their vanquished partners for an epic confrontation with Thanos - the abhorrent mythical being who wrecked the planet and the universe.
Portion Battle
Accept obligations of an officer engaged with various fights and conflicts with quick propelling conflict machine. Wage war by walking, driving defensively covered vehicles, or flying a plane. The point of one side might be to assume responsibility for the nation or a district, to accomplish autonomy for an area, or to change government approaches.

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Waking up in dreamworld
Dreamworld - a place make thrilling new and wonderful memories at the fantasy world kids and teenagers have always loved. Everybody dream, who can live in a illusion or fantasy and romantic dreamworld!
When heroes met P2
Untied in space with no food or water, Tony Unmistakable makes an impression on Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply begins to diminish. In the interim, the excess Justice fighters - Dark Widow, Commander America and Bruce Standard - should sort out a way of bringing back their vanquished partners for an epic confrontation with Thanos - the abhorrent mythical being who wrecked the planet and the universe.
Portion Battle
Accept obligations of an officer engaged with various fights and conflicts with quick propelling conflict machine. Wage war by walking, driving defensively covered vehicles, or flying a plane. The point of one side might be to assume responsibility for the nation or a district, to accomplish autonomy for an area, or to change government approaches.
When heroes met P1
Iron Man, the Mass and the remainder of the Justice fighters join to fight their most remarkable adversary yet - the detestable Thanos. Set for gather every one of the six Endlessness Stones, Thanos plans to utilize the antiques to cause his turned will for the real world. The destiny of the planet and presence itself has never been more unsure as all that the Justice fighters have battled for has paved the way to this second.


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