My Magical Adventure

For centuries, humanity has been hunted by giant, mysterious predators known as the GGmonster. They have distroyed the village and killed most of the people.

After years of practice, the students of the Magic Academy can finally use their magic to fight against them.


Magic had been achieved by fantastic mystics from ancient times, whether miracles brought forth by ‘Gods’, demonic power of ‘Devils, or else original theories on supernatural situation, they were all things that could be reproduced through prescription.

All circumstance have fixed laws, which can be standardized, calculated, and their manifestation derived through ‘magic’. By using wand, also called a rod or blasting rod, this is a tool used by witches and magicians for conjuring and directing energy.

Each student have different super magic to fight these monsters. The power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. The thrilling journey is about to begin, are you ready?

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