Portion Battle

A battle is a military conflict between two or more armed forces that are well defined in duration, area, and force commitment. To fight and win the battle!

In traditional term, by a signature on a piece of paper it can won a war. Victory means deposing the other side's political system and recover it with one of the victor's choosing.


The meaning of winning may be based on metrics of violence and stability within a country at a given point. War is an intense armed conflict between Militaries by extreme violence, aggression and mortality that stretches for many months or years.

Portion is a part of any whole, either separated from or integrated with it. Stories start with a sweet couple celebrating victory on the battlefield and they are famous powerful magician.

Unfortunately, it's a pity that they were attacked and killed in the night. The village has become restless. “Cursed” this word is always Harry’s traumatic youth — losing his mother and father as an infant. His life is turned upside down when he loses his parents.

He has been send to Orphanage. With the growing up of Harry and his orphan friend, Julie and Kingson. They were trained as killers by the Dean of the orphanage and prepared to avenge for their parents.

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