Top 12 Series

Wizard police
My Magical Adventure
Build Your Own Roller Coaster
Waking up in dreamworld
When heroes met P1
Adventure on the Lawn
Little Adventure
Paper Battle
Kungfu Pet
Portion Battle
When heroes met P2

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Wizard police
Wizard City is a magical town tucked away in the mountains. Wizard City seems to most visitors to be a dead end within a rocky ravine due to a magical barrier that surrounds the city. The city is encircled by a red-brown brick wall and features a number of timber-framed structures. The majority of the city's structures appear to be stores, and they are inscribed with symbols that can only be interpreted by members of specific wizard groups.
My Magical Adventure
There once was a mystical cave that no one knew about except a siblings. They found the cavern unintentionally one day while bushwalking. It was no customary cavern, it was mystical and had the ability to transform into incredible wizards. Not every one of their forces came simultaneously, at first they could just sorcery with their hands, then, at that point, after 14 days they woke up one morning with a wand on their bedside table and feeling more remarkable than any time in recent memory.
Build Your Own Roller Coaster
A roller coaster, sometimes known as a roller coaster, is an amusement attraction that features tight bends, steep slopes, and sometimes inversions on an elevated train track. Open vehicles are used to travel along the track, and the rides may be found in amusement parks and theme parks all over the world.
Waking up in dreamworld
Dreamworld - a place make thrilling new and wonderful memories at the fantasy world kids and teenagers have always loved. Everybody dream, who can live in a illusion or fantasy and romantic dreamworld!

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